GK Study: ComputerGK


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ComputerGK लेबलों वाले संदेश दिखाए जा रहे हैं. सभी संदेश दिखाएं
दिसंबर 26, 2017

Computer GK-4

Computer General knowledge for all competitive exam like ibps,ssc,mppsc,vyapam,RRB. Don't forget to follow our website to get notifications on your email

Q.1 A lever used to control the movement of a cursor on a video screen is
Ans.  Toystick
Q.2 In synchronous transmission data from various sources
Ans.  Do not require header
Q.3A half byte is know is
Ans. Nibble
Q.4A monitor looks like a TV set but it does not
Ans.  Receive TV signals
Q.5 The first generation computers were characterised by
Ans.  Thermionic valves
Q.6 RAM is used as a short memory because it is
Ans. Volatile
Q.7An Assembler is a
Ans. Program
Q.8 Which unit decodes information and present to the used
Ans.  Output unit
Q.9 Main storage is also called
Ans. Memory
Q.10Which device uses much less computer time than the light pen and gives resolutions equal to the CRT display
Ans .Data tablet
Q.11________is a set of computer program that enables your computer program used on a computer to help perform tasks
Ans.  Software
Q.12 System software is the set of programs that enables your computer's hardware devices and_______software to work together
Ans.  Application
Q.13 The PC(Personal Computer)and the Apple Macintosh are examples of two different:
Ans. Platform
Q.14Apple Macintoshes(Macs) and PCs use different____________to process data and different operating systems. 
Ans. CPUs
Q.15 Servers are computers that provide resources to other computers connected to a:
Ans. Network
Q.16 Smaller and less expensive PC-based servers are replacing________in many businesses. 
Ans.  Mainframe
Q.17_________are specially designed computer that perform complex calculations extremely rapidly. 
Ans. Supercomputer
Q.18DSL is an example of a(n)______connection. 
Ans.  Broadband
Q.19 The different between people with access to computers and the Internet and those without this access is known as the:
Ans. Digital divide
Q.20 ______is the science revolving around the use of nano structures to build devices on an extremely small scale. 
Ans. Nanotechnology
Q.21The first committee namely________gave its recommendations during the computerization in banking. 
Ans. Dr. C. Rangarajan Committee
Q.22 One of the early coding systems,based on the idea of converting each digit of a decimal number into its binary equivalent rather than converting the entire decimal value into a pure binary form is_____.
Ans.  BCD
Q.23 Java is referred to as a(n)_______.
Ans.  High level language
Q.24Packet transmission is related to_________.
Ans. Network layer

Q.25Black box testing something called_______.
Ans.  Behavioral testing
Q.26 Which gate is known as Universal gate? 
Ans.  NAND gate
Q.27 A scripting language similar to HTML and which runs only on a browser is_________.
Ans. Java Script
Q.28Which key combination is used to minimize all open windows and displays in the screen. 
Ans. Windows Key+D
Q.29 Computer based record keeping system is known as_______.
Ans.  DBMS(data base Management System)
Q.30 A digital gate can respond to an input signal in__________.
Ans.  A few billionth of a sec
Q.31__________is molecules and structures whose size ranges from 1 to 100 nanometers. 
Ans. Nanoscience
Q.32Surgeons can perform delicate operations by manipulating devices through computers instead of manually.  This technology is known as:
Ans.  Robotics
Q.33 A process known as______is used by large retailers to study trends. 
Ans.  Data mining
Q.34 ______terminals( formerly known as cash registers) are often connected to complex inventory and sales computer systems. 
Ans. Point-of-sale( POS)
Q.35The ability to recover and read deleted or damaged files from a criminalâs computer is an example of a law enforcement specialty called:
Ans. Computer forensics
Q.36 Technology no longer protected by copyright, available to everyone, is considered to be:
Ans. Proprietary
Q.37 A( n)________system is a small, wireless handheld computer that scans an itemâc s tag and pulls up the current price( and any special offers) as you shop. 
Ans.  PSS
Q.38________tags, when placed on an animal, can be used to record and track in a database all of the animal movements. 
Q.40A________is approximately one billion bytes. 
Ans.  Gigabyte
Q.41 A_______is approximately a million bytes. 
Ans . Megabyte
Q.42 ________is any part of the computer that you can physically touch. 
Ans. Hardware
Q.43The components that process data are located in the:
Ans.System unit
Q.44 The__________,also called the brains of the computer, is responsible for processing data. 
Ans.  Central Processing Unit
Q.45 The CPU and memory are located on the:
Ans. Motherboard
Q.46Word processing, spreadsheet, and photo-editing are examples of
Ans. Application software
Q.47________is the science that attempts to produce machines that display the same type of intelligence that humans do. 
Ans.  Artificial intelligence
Q.48 The term bit is short for:
Ans.  Binary digit
Q.49 A string of eight 0s and 1s is called a:

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दिसंबर 25, 2017

Computer GK-3

Computer General knowledge for all competitive exam

Q.1 The ability of an OS to run more than one application at a time is called.
Ans.  Multitasking
Q.2 You can use the ____________ bar to type URL and display a Web page, or type a keyword to display a list of related Web pages.
Ans.  Address
Q.3Which part interprets program instructions and initiate control operations?
Ans. Control Unit
Q.4A program designed to destroy data on your computer which can travel to "infect" other computers is called a
Ans.  Virus
Q.5 What happens when you boot up a PC?
Ans.  portion of the operating system are copied from disk to memory
Q.6 The components that process data are located in the-
Ans. system unit
Q.7 _________ cells involves creating a single cells by combining two or more selected cells.
Ans. merging
Q.8 A device that connects to a network without the use of cable is said to be
Ans.  wireless
Q.9 What is an e-mail attachment?
Ans.  a separate document from another program sent along with an email
Q.10You organise files by storing them in
Ans. Folders
Q.11What type of computers are client computers (most of the time) in a client- server system?
Ans.  mainframe
Q.12 Removing and replacing devices without turning off your computer is referred to as
Ans.  plug and play plug and play
Q.13 to protect yourself from computer hackers instruction you should install
Ans. firewall
Q.14 to view information on the web you must have a______.
Ans. web browser
Q.15 the computer of second generation were characterized by the use of which of the following instead of vacuum tubes
Ans.  transistor
Q.16 the first transistorized computer was built at______.
Ans.  University of Manchester
Q.17the computer's capability of distinguishing spoken words is called_______.
Ans. voice recognition
Q.18to access a mainframe and supercomputer user often used a
Ans.  desktop
Q.20 advice for changing the connection on a connector to a different configuration is______.
Ans.  an adaptor
Q.21 CD and DVD drive are example of_____.
Ans. storage devices
Q.22the part of a computer that coordinates all its function is called its_______.
Ans. control unit
Q.23 computer networking devices are also called as ______.
Ans.  inter working unit
Q.24 ASCII stand for_______.
Ans.  American standard code for information interchange

Q.25a program written in high level language is referred to as
Ans.  source code
Q.26the Unix which command is used to display the message or value of any variable on the screen
Ans.  Echo
Q.27 the first electronic computer and ISC was able to do how many multiplication per second
Ans.  300 
Q.28 a device that connects multiple network segment along the data link layer is called as
Ans. Bridge
Q.29a program that converts a high level language source file into a machine language file is called a__________.
Ans. compiler
Q.30 most application software today come with an interface called______.
Ans.  graphical user interface
Q.31 which of the following was an early desktop operating system that included an integrated graphic user interface point and click feature
Ans.  Mac OS
Q.32Microsoft Windows came to dominate the world personal computer market with_____% market share
Ans. 90%
Q.33what type of keys are ctrl and shift
Ans.  Modifier
Q.34 in which toolbar B bill find short button for  auto sum
Ans.  Formula Bar
Q.35. in order to move from one worksheet to another in Excel workbook what should be clicked
Ans. Sheet tab
Q.36in which chart only one data series can be plotted
Ans. Stacked bar
Q.37 material consisting of text and numbers is best presented as_______.
Ans.  A table slide
Q.38 coded entries which are used to gain access to a computer system are called______.
Ans.  Passwords
Q.39a program designed to destroy data on a computer which can travel to infect other computer is called a______.
Ans.  virus
Q.40in a computer most processing takes place in_____.
Ans.  CPU
Q.41 what type of software is most useful for the creation of brochure poster and newsletter
Ans.  desktop publishing software
Q.42 when the computer is switched on the booting process performs the_____.
Ans. power-on self-test
Q.43the box that contains the central electronic components of the computer is___________.
Ans.  system unit
Q.44 which key is used in combination with another key to perform a special task
Ans.   control
Q.45 units which are the last receiver of generate data are called_______.
Ans.  data terminal equipment
Q.46. a normal compiler text source code as input and produced this as output
Ans. Machine code
Q.47COBOL is widely used in_______application
Ans.  Commercial
Q.48 _____is a layer of computer system between the hardware and the user program
Ans.  operating equipment environment
Q.49 in Windows ME, what does M stand for
Ans. Millennium

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दिसंबर 18, 2017

Computer GK-2(hindi)

All exam computer gk

(1). ALU ऑपरेशन करता है
Ans. लॉजिक
2. कंप्यूटर का वह भाग जो गणित संबंधी गणनाएं करता है
Ans. ए एल यू
3. इंस्ट्रक्शन साइकिल में होने वाली घटनाओं के क्रम में पहला साइकल कौन सा है
Ans.Fetch cycle
4.प्रिंटर और प्लॉटर जैसी पेरीफेरल डिवाइस को माना जाता है
Ans. हार्डवेयर
5. एक्सेल चार्ट में प्रत्येक वेरिएबल के लिए केवल एक वैल्यू रिप्रेजेंट करता है
Ans.  पाई
6 प्रिंटआउट लेने से पहले डॉक्यूमेंट को देखने के लिए प्रयोग करते हैं
Ans.  प्रिंट प्रीव्यू
7.ALU........... में रखें डाटा और इंस्ट्रक्शन पर काम करता है
Ans. रजिस्टरों
8.डाटा को डॉक्यूमेंट के एक भाग से दूसरे भाग में move करने के लिए.________ का प्रयोग किया जाता है
Ans.  कट एंड पेस्ट
9 एक्सेल में preprogrammed फार्मूले का एक अन्य नाम है
Ans.  फंक्शन
10 डॉक्यूमेंट में पहली बार सेव करने के लिए______ ऑप्शन का प्रयोग किया जाता है
Ans. Save as
11.वह कौन सी डिवाइस है जो कंप्यूटर के लिए इमेज को कोड में बदल देती है
Ans. स्केनर
12. Word-2000 नहीं प्रयोग होने वाले ग्राफिक्स के दो बुनियादी प्रकार कौन से हैं
Ans.  Auto shapes and clip art
13 डॉक्यूमेंट में शब्द को ढूंढने और सही करने के लिए प्रयोक्ता___________ कमांडो का प्रयोग कर सकता है
Ans.  स्पेलिंग एंड ग्रामर
14.दाएं मार्जिन का ट्रैक रखने वाली विशेषता_____ कहलाती है
Ans. Raged right
15.कीबोर्ड शॉर्टकट का प्रयोग _______को मूव करने के लिए होता है
Ans.  Insertion point
16वर्ड में मार्जिन निर्दिष्ट करने के लिए प्रयोक्ता को_____ मेनू की सेट अप ऑप्शन सेलेक्ट करना होगा
Ans.  File
17 उस पैकेज का नाम क्या है जो रो and कॉलम में अरेंज किए डाटा को क्रिएट मैनिपुलेट और एनालाइज करने में मदद करता है
Ans. स्प्रेडशीट पैकेज

Computer GK-1

18इलेक्ट्रॉनिक स्प्रेडशीट में क्या सम्मिलित होता है
Ans. Row column and cell
19 डॉक्यूमेंट की शीर्षक पेज नंबर जैसी सूचना को डिस्प्ले करने के लिए निम्न में से किस आप्शन का प्रयोग किया जाता है
Ans.  हैडर एंड फुटर
20. कंप्यूटर का कौन सा भाग प्रयोक्ता के कार्य को डिस्प्ले कर सकता है
Ans.  मॉनिटर
21जब कंप्यूटर कोई रिपोर्ट प्रिंट करता है तो उस  आउटपुट को_____ कहते हैं
Ans. Hard copy
22प्रोसेसर एक_______ चिप है जो कंप्यूटर सिस्टम में मदरबोर्ड में plug किया हुआ होता है
Ans.  VLSI
23 कुछ रजिस्टर को क्या कहते हैं जो एग्क्यूट किए जाने वाले अगले इंस्ट्रक्शन का ट्रैक रखता है
Ans.  Program counter
24 PROM का पूर्ण रूप क्या है
Ans. Programmable read only memory
25.यदि ईमेल का प्रेषक टेक्स्ट संदेश को बोल्ड इटैलिक आदि के साथ फॉर्मेट करना चाहे तो उसे निम्न में से किसका प्रयोग करना चाहिए
Ans. रिच टेक्स्ट
26. डॉक्यूमेंट के टेक्स्ट को बाएं और दाएं दोनों मार्जिन पर कौन सी जस्टिफिकेशन एलाइन करती है
Ans.  Justify
27. एल एस आई का पूर्ण रूप क्या है
Ans.  LSI (large scale integration)
28किसी टेक्स्ट को उसके मूल स्थान से डिलीट किए बिना दूसरे स्थान पर ले जाना कहलाता है
Ans. Coping
29एक्सेल में कौन सा एक्टिव सेल भी है
Ans.   करंट सेल
30 सामान्यता उस गुप्त code को क्या कहते हैं जो कुछ प्रोग्रामों में प्रवेश पर रोक लगाता है
Ans.  Passwords
31 मेनू का वह कौन सा type है जो आगे के  सब चॉइस दिखाता है
Ans. Pull down
32.मदर बोर्ड का दूसरा नाम क्या है
Ans.  सिस्टम बोर्ड
33. वह कौन वह कौन सी विशेषता है जिससे स्क्रीन पर डॉक्यूमेंट के किसी भाग को देखा जा सकता है
Ans.  Scrolling
34 किस खास विशेषता के माध्यम से एक सेल डाटा से परिणामों की डायनामिक की गणना कर पाता है
Ans. Formula and functional
35.हार्ड डिहार्ड डिस्क किस प्रकार की स्टोरेज है 
Ans.   नॉन वोलेटाइल

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दिसंबर 17, 2017

Computer GK-1(one liners)

Computer General knowledge for all competitive exam    

1. The device used to carry digital data on analog lines is called

Ans. modem

2. The portion of the CPU that coordinates the activities of all other computer components is the
Ans. Control unit
3. Step-by-step instructions that run the computer are

Ans. Programs

4. The process of writing computer instructions in a programming language is known as

Ans.  Coding

5. Which of the following refers to too much electricity and may cause a voltage surge?

Ans. Spike

6. the following is possible with open architecture?

Ans. Use to upgrade and add new devices as they come on the market

7. ________ are special visual and sound effects contained in a presentation graphics file.

Ans. Animation

8. Rules for exchanging data between computers are called

Ans. Protocol

9. Which of the following is used to write Web pages?


10. ________ is the most important/powerful computer in a typical network.

Ans. Network server

11. Raw, unprocessed facts, including text, numbers, images, and sounds, are called

Ans. Data

12. The primary job of an operating system is to manage-

Ans. Resources

13. What is Cache RAM?

Ans. Fast memory used for data that is accessed often

14. Fire wire is same as:

Ans. IEEE 1394

15. Which of the following circuit is used as a „Memory device‟ in computers?

Ans. Flip-Flop

16. _____________ is a device that connect two LAN or two segment of the same LAN.

Ans. Bridges

17. Microsoft„s SQL server is the fasted growing ____________?


18. Which of the following are objects in an access data base?

Ans. Macros module

19. The computer device primarily used to provide hard copy is the:

Ans.Line printers

20. ______________ is a collection of data that is organized so that its contents can easily be accessed manage and updated.

Ans. Database

21. Arranging of data in a logical sequence is knows as ____________.

Ans. Sorting

22. While working with MS-Dos which command transfers a specific file from one disk to another?

Ans. Copy

23. ____________ controls the way in which the computer system functions and provides a means by which users can interact with the computer.

Ans.the operating system

24. The operating system is the most common type of ____________software.

Ans. System

25. ____________ are specially designed computer chips that reside inside other devices, such as your car or your electronic thermostat.

Ans. Embedded Computer

26. To navigate to a new web page for which you know the URL, type that URL in the browser's _______ and press Enter.

Ans. Address bar

27. The CPU, also called the _________when talking about PCs, does the vast majority of the processing for a computer.

Ans . Microprocessor

28. What is the difference between a CD- ROM and a CD-RW ?

Ans. They are the same-just two different terms used by different manufacturers

29. The steps and tasks needed to process data, such as responses to questions or clicking an icon, are called:

Ans. Instruction

30. Fifth generation computer is also known as

Ans. Knowledge Information processing System

31. The computer that process both analog and digital is called

Ans. Hybrid Computer

32. What is the term for how words will appear on a page?

Ans. Text formatting

33. The process of a computer receiving information from a server on the Internet is known as

Ans. Downloading

34. Office LANs that are spread geographically apart on a large scale can be connected using a corporate

Ans. LAN

35. What is correcting errors in a program called?

Ans. Debugging

36. The output quality of a printer is measured by-

Ans. Dot per sq inch

37. In analog computer –

Ans. Input is never converted to digital form

38. The system unit of a personal computer typically contains all of the following except:

Ans. Modem

39. A computer program that converts an entire program into machine language is called a/an –

Ans. Compiler

40. All of the following are examples of real security and privacy risks

Ans. Spam 

41. Who designed the first electronic computer ENIAC?

Ans. J Presper Eckert and John W Mauchly

42. Who invented the high level language „C‟?

Ans. Dennis M Ritchie

43. _________ are specially designed computer chips reside inside other devices, such as your car or your electronic thermostat.

Ans. Embedded Computer

44. The operating system creates ________ from the physical Computer.

Ans. Virtual computers

45. A Person who designs program, operate and maintain computer equipment refers to-

Ans. Programmer

46. Which of the following is an example of connectivity?

Ans. Internet

47. Human beings are referred to as Homosapinens, which device is called Sillico Sapiens?

Ans. Computer

48. An error in software or hardware is called a bug. What is the alternative computer jargon for it?

Ans. Glitch

49. Granting an outside organization access to internet web pages is often implemented using a(n)-

Ans. Extranet

50. Modern Computer are very reliable but they are not

Ans. Infallible

51. Most Advanced form of ROM is-


52. Laptops was invented by-

Ans. Adam Osborne

53. Personal computers use a number of chips mounted on a main circuit board. What is the common name for such boards?

Ans. Motherboard

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