GK Study: ComputerGK


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जून 01, 2018

Computer GK-3

Computer General knowledge for all competitive exam like ibps,ssc,mppsc,vyapam,RRB. Don't forget to follow our website to get notifications on your email

1.      UNIVAC is
A) Universal Automatic Computer
B) Universal Array Computer
C) Unique Automatic Computer
D) Unvalued Automatic Computer

2.      The basic operations performed by a computer are
A) Arithmetic operation
B) Logical operation
C) Storage and relative
D) All the above

3.      The two major types of computer chips are
A) External memory chip B) Primary memory chip C) Microprocessor chip D) Both b and c

4.            Microprocessors as switching devices are for which generation computers
A) First Generation
B) Second Generation
C) Third Generation
D) Fourth Generation

5.            What is the main difference between a mainframe and a super computer?
A) Super computer is much larger than mainframe computers
B) Super computers are much smaller than mainframe computers C) Supercomputers are focused to execute few programs as fast as possible while mainframe uses its power to execute as many
programs concurrently
D) Supercomputers are focused to execute as many programs as possible while mainframe uses its power to execute few programs as fast as possible.

6.      ASCII and EBCDIC are the popular character coding systems.
What does EBCDIC stand for?
A) Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
B) Extended Bit Code Decimal Interchange Code
C) Extended Bit Case Decimal Interchange Code
D) Extended Binary Case Decimal Interchange Code

7.      The brain of any computer system is
B) Memory
D) Control unit

8.      Storage capacity of magnetic disk depends on
A) tracks per inch of surface
B) bits per inch of tracks
C) disk pack in disk surface
D) All of above

9.      The two kinds of main memory are:
A) Primary and secondary B) Random and sequential C) ROM and RAM
D) All of above

10.    A storage area used to store data to a compensate for the difference in speed at which the different units can handle data is
A) Memory
B) Buffer
C) Accumulator
D) Address

11.    Computer is free from tiresome and boardroom. We call it
A) Accuracy B) Reliability C) Diligence D) Versatility

12.    Integrated Circuits (ICs) are related to which generation of computers?
A) First generation
B) Second generation
C) Third generation
D) Fourth generation

13.    CD-ROM is a
A) Semiconductor memory
B) Memory register C) Magnetic memory D) None of above

14.    A hybrid computer
A) Resembles digital computer
B) Resembles analogue computer
C) Resembles both a digital and analogue computer
D) None of the above

15.    Which type of computers uses the 8-bit code called EBCDIC?
A) Minicomputers
B) Microcomputers
C) Mainframe computers
D) Super computer

16.    The ALU of a computer responds to the commands coming from

A) Primary memory
B) Control section
C) External memory
D) Cache memory

17.    Chief component of first generation computer was
A) Transistors
B) Vacuum Tubes and Valves
C) Integrated Circuits
D) None of above

18.    To produce high quality graphics (hardcopy) in color, you would want to use a/n
A) RGB monitor
B) Plotter
C) Ink-jet printer
D) Laser printer

19.    What are the stages in the compilation process?
A) Feasibility study, system design and testing
B) Implementation and documentation
C) Lexical Analysis, syntax analysis, and code generation
D) None of the above

20.    Which of the following IC was used in third generation of computers?
D) Both a and b

21.    The main electronic component used in first generation computers was
A) Transistors
B) Vacuum Tubes and Valves
C) Integrated Circuits
D) None of above

22.    A dumb terminal has
A) an embedded microprocessor
B) extensive memory
C) independent processing capability
D) a keyboard and screen

23.    One millisecond is
A) 1 second
B) 10th of a seconds
C) 1000th of a seconds
D) 10000th of a seconds

24.    The output quality of a printer is measured by
A) Dot per sq. inch
B) Dot per inch
C) Dots printed per unit time
D) All of the above

25.    Which of the following was a special purpose computer?
D) All of the above

26.    What was the computer invented by Attanasoff and Clifford?
A) Mark I B) ABC
C) Z3
D) None of above

27.    Which of the following storage devices can store maximum amount of data?
A) Floppy Disk
B) Hard Disk
C) Compact Disk
D) Magneto Optic Disk

28.    Which computer was considered the first electronic computer until 1973 when court invalidated the patent?

29.    A physical connection between the microprocessor memory and other parts of the microcomputer is known as
A) Path
B) Address bus
C) Route
D) All of the above

30.    High density double sided floppy disks could store         of data
A) 1.40 MB B) 1.44 GB C) 1.40 GB D) 1.44 MB

31.    A high quality CAD system uses the following for printing drawing and graphs
A) Dot matrix printer
B) Digital plotter
C) Line printer
D) All of the above

32.    Which of the following is not an input device?
B) Optical scanners
C) Voice recognition device
D) COM (Computer Output to Microfilm)

33.    The accuracy of the floating-point numbers representable in two 16-bit words of a computer is approximately
A) 16 digits B) 6 digits C) 9 digits
D) All of above

34.    In most of the IBM PCs, the CPU, the device drivers, memory, expansion slots and active components are mounted on a single board. What is the name of the board?
A) Motherboard
B) Daughterboard
C) Bredboard
D) Fatherboard

35.    In most IBM PCs, the CPU, the device drives, memory expansion slots and active components are mounted on a single board. What is the name of this board?
A) Motherboard
B) Breadboard
C) Daughter board
D) Grandmother board

36.    Magnetic disks are the most popular medium for
A) Direct access
B) Sequential access
C) Both of above
D) None of above

37.    A technique used by codes to convert an analog signal into a digital bit stream is known as
A) Pulse code modulation
B) Pulse stretcher
C) Query processing
D) Queue management

38.    Regarding a VDU, Which statement is more correct?
A) It is an output device
B) It is an input device
C) It is a peripheral device
D) It is hardware item

39.    A modern electronic computer is a machine that is meant for
A) Doing quick mathematical calculations
B) Input, storage, manipulation and outputting of data
C) Electronic data processing
D) Performing repetitive tasks accurately

40.    When was vacuum tube invented?
A) 1900
B) 1906
C) 1910
D) 1880

41.    Which of the following produces the best quality graphics reproduction?
A) Laser printer B) Ink jet printer C) Plotter
D) Dot matrix printer

42.    Computers with 80286 microprocessor is
A) XT computer B) AT computers C) PS/2 computer D) None of above

43.    An application suitable for sequential processing is
A) Processing of grades
B) Payroll processing
C) Both a and b
D) All of above

44.    Which of the following is not processing?
A) arranging
B) manipulating
C) calculating
D) gathering

45.    The digital computer was developed primarily in
A) USSR B) Japan C) USA D) UK

46.    Software in computer
A) Enhances the capabilities of the hardware machine
B) Increase the speed of central processing unit
C) Both of above
D) None of above

47.    Today’s computer giant IBM was earlier known by different name which was changes in 1924. What was that name?
A) Tabulator Machine Co.
B) Computing Tabulating Recording Co. C) The Tabulator Ltd.
D) International Computer Ltd.

48.    Before a disk drive can access any sector record, a computer program has to provide the record’s disk address. What information does this address specify?
A) Track number
B) Sector number C) Surface number D) All of above

49.    The arrangingof data in a logical sequence is calledA) Sorting
B) Classifying
C) Reproducing
D) Summarizing

50.    What is the responsibility of the logical unit in the CPU of a computer?
A) To produce result
B) To compare numbers
C) To control flow of information
D) To do math’s works

Answer of these question
1-A         2-D         3-D         4-D         5-C         6-A         7-C         8-D         9-C         10-B11-C       12-C       13-D       14-C       15-C       16-B       17-B       18-B       19-C        20-D21-B       22-D       23-C       24-B       25-A       26-B       27-B       28-A       29-B       30-D31-B       32-D       33-A       34-A       35-A       36-D       37-A      38-C       39-B       40-B41-C       42-B       43-C       44-D       45-C       46-A       47-B       48-D       49-A       50-B

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जून 01, 2018

Computer DBMS Question & Answer-1

Computer General knowledge for all competitive exam like ibps,ssc,mppsc,vyapam,RRB. Don't forget to follow our website to get notifications on your email

Q.1 Which of the following relational algebra operations do not require the participating
tables to be union-compatible?(A) Union (B) Intersection
(C) Difference (D) Join
Ans: (D)Q.2 Which of the following is not a property of transactions?
(A) Atomicity (B) Concurrency
(C) Isolation (D) Durability
Ans: (B)Q.3 Relational Algebra does not have
(A) Selection operator. (B) Projection operator.
(C) Aggregation operators. (D) Division operator.
Ans: (C )Q.4 Checkpoints are a part of
(A) Recovery measures. (B) Security measures.
(C ) Concurrency measures. (D) Authorization measures.
Ans: (A)Q.5 Tree structures are used to store data in
(A) Network model. (B) Relational model.
(C) Hierarchical model. (D) File based system.
Ans: (C )Q.6 The language that requires a user to specify the data to be retrieved without specifying
exactly how to get it is(A) Procedural DML. (B) Non-Procedural DML.
(C) Procedural DDL. (D) Non-Procedural DDL.
Ans: (B)Q.7 Precedence graphs help to find a
Www.gkstudies.in2(A) Serializable schedule. (B) Recoverable schedule.
(C) Deadlock free schedule. (D) Cascadeless schedule.
Ans: (A)Q.8 The rule that a value of a foreign key must appear as a value of some specific table is
called a(A) Referential constraint. (B) Index.
(C) Integrity constraint. (D) Functional dependency.
Ans: (A) The rule that a value of a foreign key must appear as a value of some specific
table is called a referential constraint. (Referential integrity constraint is concerned withforeign key)Q.9 The clause in SQL that specifies that the query result should be sorted in ascending or
descending order based on the values of one or more columns is(A) View (B) Order by
(C) Group by (D) Having
Ans: (B) The clause in SQL that specifies that the query result should be sorted in
ascending or descending order based on the values of one or more columns is ORDERBY. (ORDER BY clause is used to arrange the result of the SELECT statement)Q.10 What is a disjoint less constraint?
(A) It requires that an entity belongs to no more than one level entity set.
(B) The same entity may belong to more than one level.
(C) The database must contain an unmatched foreign key value.
(D) An entity can be joined with another entity in the same level entity set.
Ans: (A) Disjoint less constraint requires that an entity belongs to no more than one level
entity set. (Disjoint less constraint means that an entity can be a member of at most one ofthe subclasses of the specialization.)Q.11 According to the levels of abstraction, the schema at the intermediate level is called
(A) Logical schema. (B) Physical schema.
(C) Subschema. (D) Super schema.
Ans: According to the levels of abstraction, the schema at the intermediate level is called
conceptual schema.
(Note: All the options given in the question are wrong.)
Q.12 It is an abstraction through which relationships are treated as higher level entities
(A) Generalization. (B) Specialization.
(C) Aggregation. (D) Inheritance.
Ans: (C ) It is an abstraction through which relationships are treated as higher level
entities Aggregation. (In ER diagram, aggregation is used to represent a relationship as anentity set.)Www.gkstudies.in3Q.13 A relation is in ____________ if an attribute of a composite key is dependent on an
attribute of other composite key.(A) 2NF (B) 3NF
(C) BCNF (D) 1NF
Ans: (B) A relation is in 3 NF if an attribute of a composite key is dependent on an
attribute of other composite key. (If an attribute of a composite key is dependent on anattribute of other composite key then the relation is not in BCNF, hence it has to bedecomposed.)Q.14 What is data integrity?
(A) It is the data contained in database that is non redundant.
(B) It is the data contained in database that is accurate and consistent.
(C) It is the data contained in database that is secured.
(D) It is the data contained in database that is shared.
Ans: (B) (Data integrity means that the data must be valid according to the given
constraints. Therefore, the data is accurate and consistent.)Q.15 What are the desirable properties of a decomposition
(A) Partition constraint. (B) Dependency preservation.
(C) Redundancy. (D) Security.
Ans: (B) What are the desirable properties of a decomposition – dependency preserving.
(Lossless join and dependency preserving are the two goals of the decomposition.)Q.16 In an E-R diagram double lines indicate
(A) Total participation. (B) Multiple participation.
(C) Cardinality N. (D) None of the above.
Ans: (A)Q.17 The operation which is not considered a basic operation of relational algebra is
(A) Join. (B) Selection.
(C) Union. (D) Cross product.
Ans: (A)Q.18 Fifth Normal form is concerned with
(A) Functional dependency. (B) Multivalued dependency.
(C) Join dependency. (D) Domain-key.
Ans: (C)Q.19 Block-interleaved distributed parity is RAID level
(A) 2. (B) 3
(C) 4. (D) 5.
Ans: (D)Www.gkstudies.in4Q.20 Immediate database modification technique uses
(A) Both undo and redo. (B) Undo but no redo.
(C) Redo but no undo. (D) Neither undo nor redo.
Ans: (A)Q.21 In SQL the statement select * from R, S is equivalent to
(A) Select * from R natural join S. (B) Select * from R cross join S.
(C) Select * from R union join S. (D) Select * from R inner join S.
Ans: (B)Q.22 Which of the following is not a consequence of concurrent operations?
(A) Lost update problem. (B) Update anomaly.
(C) Unrepeatable read. (D) Dirty read.
Ans: (B)Q.23 As per equivalence rules for query transformation, selection operation distributes over
(A) Union. (B) Intersection.
(C) Set difference. (D) All of the above.
Ans: (D)Q.24 The metadata is created by the
(A) DML compiler (B) DML pre-processor
(C) DDL interpreter (D) Query interpreter
Ans: (C)Q.25 When an E-R diagram is mapped to tables, the representation is redundant for
(A) weak entity sets (B) weak relationship sets
(C) strong entity sets (D) strong relationship sets
Ans: (B)Q.26 When R ÇS = f , then the cost of computing R >< S is
(A) the same as R × S (B) greater the R × S
(C) less than R × S (D) cannot say anything
Ans: (A)Q.27 In SQL the word ‘natural’ can be used with
(A) inner join (B) full outer join
(C) right outer join (D) all of the above
Ans: (A)Www.gkstudies.in5Q.28 The default level of consistency in SQL is
(A) repeatable read (B) read committed
(C) read uncommitted (D) serializable
Ans: (D)
Q.29 If a transaction T has obtained an exclusive lock on item Q, then T can
(A) read Q (B) write Q
(C) both read and write Q (D) write Q but not read Q
Ans: (C)Q.30 Shadow paging has
(A) no redo (B) no undo
(C) redo but no undo (D) neither redo nor undo
Ans: (A)Q.31 If the closure of an attribute set is the entire relation then the attribute set is a
(A) superkey (B) candidate key
(C) primary key (D) not a key
Ans: (A)Q.32 DROP is a ______________ statement in SQL.
(A) Query (B) Embedded SQL
Ans: (C)Q.33 If two relations R and S are joined, then the non matching tuples of both R and S are
ignored in(A) left outer join (B) right outer join
(C) full outer join (D) inner join
Ans: (D)Q.34 The keyword to eliminate duplicate rows from the query result in SQL is
(C) UNIQUE (D) None of the above
` Ans: (C)Q.35 In 2NF
(A) No functional dependencies (FDs) exist.
(B) No multivalued dependencies (MVDs) exist.
(C) No partial FDs exist.
(D) No partial MVDs exist.
Www.gkstudies.in6Ans: (C)Q.36 Which one is correct statement?
Logical data independence provides following without changing application programs:(i) Changes in access methods.
(ii) Adding new entities in database
(iii) Splitting an existing record into two or more records
(iv) Changing storage medium
(A) (i) and (ii) (B) (iv) only, (C) (i) and (iv) (D) (ii) and (iii)
Ans: (D)Q.37 In an E-R, Y is the dominant entity and X is a subordinate entity. Then which of the
following is incorrect :(A) Operationally, if Y is deleted, so is X
(B) existence is dependent on Y.
(C) Operationally, if X is deleted, so is Y.
(D) Operationally, if X is deleted, & remains the same.
Ans: (C)Q.38 Relational Algebra is
(A) Data Definition Language .
(B) Meta Language
(C) Procedural query Language
(D) None of the above
Ans: (C)Q.39 Which of the following aggregate functions does not ignore nulls in its results?.
(A) COUNT . (B) COUNT (*)
Ans: (B)Q.40 R (A,B,C,D) is a relation. Which of the following does not have a lossless join
dependency preserving BCNF decomposition(A) A_B, B_CD (B) A_B, B_C, C_D .
(C) AB_C, C_AD (D) A_BCD
Ans: (D)Q.41 Consider the join of relation R with a relation S. If R has m tuples and S has n
tuples, then the maximum and minimum size of the join respectively are(A) m+n and 0 (B) m+n and |m-n|
(C) mn and 0 (D) mn and m+n
Ans: (C)Www.gkstudies.in7Q.42 Maximum height of a B+ tree of order m with n key values is
(A) Logm(n) (B) (m+n)/2
(C) Logm/2(m+n) (D) None of these
Ans: (D)Q.43 Which one is true statement :
(A) With finer degree of granularity of locking a high degree of concurrency is
possible.(B) Locking prevents non – serializable schedules.
(C) Locking cannot take place at field level.
(D) An exclusive lock on data item X is granted even if a shared lock is already
held on X.Ans: (A)Q.44 Which of the following statement on the view concept in SQL is invalid?
(A) All views are not updateable
(B) The views may be referenced in an SQL statement whenever tables are
referenced.(C) The views are instantiated at the time they are referenced and not when they
are defined.(D) The definition of a view should not have GROUP BY clause in it.
Ans: (D)Q.45 Which of the following concurrency control schemes is not based on the
serializability property?(A) Two – phase locking (B) Graph-based locking
(C) Time-stamp based locking (D) None of these .
Ans: (D)Q.46 Which of the following is a reason to model data?
(A) Understand each user’s perspective of data
(B) Understand the data itself irrespective of the physical representation
(C) Understand the use of data across application areas
(D) All of the above
Ans: (D)Q.47 If an entity can belong to only one lower level entity then the constraint is
(A) disjoint (B) partial
(C) overlapping (D) single
Ans: (B)Q.48 The common column is eliminated in
(A) theta join (B) outer join
Www.gkstudies.in8(C) natural join (D) composed join
Ans: (C )Q.49 In SQL, testing whether a subquery is empty is done using
Ans: (D)Q.50 Use of UNIQUE while defining an attribute of a table in SQL means that the attribute
values are(A) distinct values (B) cannot have NULL
(C) both (A) & (B) (D) same as primary key
Ans: (C)

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जून 01, 2018

Computer Database Reletive Question & Answer-1

Computer General knowledge for all competitive exam like ibps,ssc,mppsc,vyapam,RRB. Don't forget to follow our website to get notifications on your email

Database Objective type questions
Q.1 In the relational modes, cardinality is termed as:
(A) Number of tuples. (B) Number of attributes.
(C) Number of tables. (D) Number of constraints.
Ans: A
Q.2 Relational calculus is a
(A) Procedural language. (B) Non- Procedural language.
(C) Data definition language. (D) High level language.
Ans: B
Q.3 The view of total database content is
(A) Conceptual view. (B) Internal view.
(C) External view. (D) Physical View.
Ans: A
Q.4 Cartesian product in relational algebra is
(A) a Unary operator. (B) a Binary operator.
(C) a Ternary operator. (D) not defined.
Ans: B Cartesian product in relational algebra is a binary operator.
(It requires two operands. e.g., P X Q)
Q.5 DML is provided for
(A) Description of logical structure of database.
(B) Addition of new structures in the database system.
(C) Manipulation & processing of database.
(D) Definition of physical structure of database system.
Ans: C DML is provided for manipulation & processing of database.
(Data stored in the database is processed or manipulated using data manipulation
language commands as its name)
Q.6 ‘AS’ clause is used in SQL for
(A) Selection operation. (B) Rename operation.
(C) Join operation. (D) Projection operation.
Ans: B ‘AS’ clause is used in SQL for rename operation.
Q.7 ODBC stands for
(A) Object Database Connectivity.
(B) Oral Database Connectivity.
(C) Oracle Database Connectivity.
(D) Open Database Connectivity.
Ans: D
Q.8 Architecture of the database can be viewed as
(A) two levels. (B) four levels.
(C) three levels. (D) one level.
Ans: C
Q.9 In a relational model, relations are termed as
(A) Tuples. (B) Attributes
(C) Tables. (D) Rows.
Q.10 The database schema is written in
Ans: C
Q.11 In the architecture of a database system external level is the
(A) physical level. (B) logical level.
(C) conceptual level (D) view level.
Ans: D
Q.12 An entity set that does not have sufficient attributes to form a primary key is a
(A) strong entity set. (B) weak entity set.
(C) simple entity set. (D) primary entity set.
Ans: B
Q.13 In a Hierarchical model records are organized as
(A) Graph. (B) List.
(C) Links. (D) Tree.
Ans: D
Q.14 In an E-R diagram attributes are represented by
(A) rectangle. (B) square.
(C) ellipse. (D) triangle.
Ans: C
Q.15 In case of entity integrity, the primary key may be
(A) not Null (B) Null
(C) both Null & not Null. (D) any value.
Ans: A
Q.16 In tuple relational calculus P1 ®P2 is equivalent to
(A) ¬P1 Ú P2 (B) P1 Ú P2
(C) P1 Ù P2 (D) P1 Ù¬P2
Ans: A In tuple relational calculus P1 P2 is equivalent to ¬P1 Ú P2.
(The logical implication expression A B, meaning if A then B,is equivalent to ¬A Ú B)
Q.17 The language used in application programs to request data from the DBMS is referred
to as the
Ans: A
Q.18 A logical schema
(A) is the entire database.
(B) is a standard way of organizing information into accessible parts.
(C) describes how data is actually stored on disk.
(D) both (A) and (C)
Ans: A
Q.19 Related fields in a database are grouped to form a
(A) data file. (B) data record.
(C) menu. (D) bank.
Ans: B Related data fields in a database are grouped to form a data record.
(A record is a collection of related fields)
Q.20 The database environment has all of the following components except:
(A) users. (B) separate files.
(C) database. (D) database administrator.
Ans: A
Q.21 The language which has recently become the defacto standard for interfacing application
programs with relational database system is
(A) Oracle. (B) SQL.
(C) DBase. (D) 4GL.
Ans: B
Q.22 The way a particular application views the data from the database that the application
uses is a
(A) module. (B) relational model.
(C) schema. (D) sub schema.
Ans: D
Q.23 In an E-R diagram an entity set is represent by a
(A) rectangle. (B) ellipse.
(C) diamond box. (D) circle.
Ans: A
Q.24 A report generator is used to
(A) update files. (B) print files on paper.
(C) data entry. (D) delete files.
Ans: B
Q.25 The property / properties of a database is / are :
(A) It is an integrated collection of logically related records.
(B) It consolidates separate files into a common pool of data records.
(C) Data stored in a database is independent of the application programs using it.
(D) All of the above.
Ans: D
Q.26 The DBMS language component which can be embedded in a program is
(A) The data definition language (DDL).
(B) The data manipulation language (DML).
(C) The database administrator (DBA).
(D) A query language.
Ans: B
Q.27 A relational database developer refers to a record as
(A) a criteria. (B) a relation.
(C) a tuple. (D) an attribute.
Ans: C
Q.28 The relational model feature is that there
(A) is no need for primary key data.
(B) is much more data independence than some other database models.
(C) are explicit relationships among records.
(D) are tables with many dimensions.
Ans: B
Q.29 Conceptual design
(A) is a documentation technique.
(B) needs data volume and processing frequencies to determine the size of the database.
(C) involves modelling independent of the DBMS.
(D) is designing the relational model.
Q.30 The method in which records are physically stored in a specified order according to a key
field in each record is
(A) hash. (B) direct.
(C) sequential. (D) all of the above.
Ans: A A method in which records are physically stored in a specified order according
to a key field in each record is hash.
(In hash method, a hash function is performed on the key value to determine the
unique physical address of the record to store or retrieve)
Q.31 A subschema expresses
(A) the logical view. (B) the physical view.
(C) the external view. (D) all of the above.
Ans: C A subschema expresses the external view.
(External schemas are called also called as subschemas)
Q.32 Count function in SQL returns the number of
(A) values. (B) distinct values.
(C) groups. (D) columns.
Ans: A Count function in SQL returns the number of values.
(Count function counts all the not null values in the specific column. If we want to
count only distinct values than the DISTINCT keyword is also to be used)
Q.33 Which one of the following statements is false?
(A) The data dictionary is normally maintained by the database
(B) Data elements in the database can be modified by changing the data dictionary.
(C) The data dictionary contains the name and description of each data element.
(D) The data dictionary is a tool used exclusively by the database administrator.
Ans: B
Q.34 An advantage of the database management approach is
(A) data is dependent on programs.
(B) data redundancy increases.
(C) data is integrated and can be accessed by multiple programs.
(D) none of the above.
Ans: C
Q.35 A DBMS query language is designed to
(A) support end users who use English-like commands.
(B) support in the development of complex applications software.
(C) specify the structure of a database.
(D) all of the above.
Ans: D
Q.36 TrAnsaction processing is associated with everything below except
(A) producing detail, summary, or exception reports.
(B) recording a business activity.
(C) confirming an action or triggering a response.
(D) maintaining data.
Ans: C
Q.37 It is possible to define a schema completely using
(A) VDL and DDL. (B) DDL and DML.
(C) SDL and DDL. (D) VDL and DML.
Ans: B
Q.38 The method of access which uses key trAnsformation is known as
(A) direct. (B) hash.
(C) random. (D) sequential.
Ans: B
Q.39 Data independence meAns
(A) data is defined separately and not included in programs.
(B) programs are not dependent on the physical attributes of data.
(C) programs are not dependent on the logical attributes of data.
(D) both (B) and (C).
Ans: D both (B) and (C)
Q.40 The statement in SQL which allows to change the definition of a table is
(A) Alter. (B) Update.
(C) Create. (D) select.
Ans: A
Q.41 E-R model uses this symbol to represent weak entity set ?
(A) Dotted rectangle.
(B) Diamond
(C) Doubly outlined rectangle
(D) None of these
Ans: C
Q.42 SET concept is used in :
(A) Network Model
(B) Hierarchical Model
(C) Relational Model
(D) None of these
Ans: A
Q.43 Relational Algebra is
(A) Data Definition Language .
(B) Meta Language
(C) Procedural query Language
(D) None of the above
Ans: C
Q.44 Key to represent relationship between tables is called
(A) Primary key (B) Secondary Key
(C) Foreign Key (D) None of these
Ans: C
Q.45 _______ produces the relation that has attributes of R1 and R2
(A) Cartesian product (B) Difference
(C) Intersection D) Product
Ans: A
Q.46 The file organization that provides very fast access to any arbitrary record of a file is
(A) Ordered file (B) Unordered file
(C) Hashed file (D) B-tree
Ans: C
Q.47 DBMS helps achieve
(A) Data independence (B) Centralized control of data
(C) Neither (A) nor (B) (D) both (A) and (B)
Ans: D
Q.48 Which of the following are the properties of entities?
(A) Groups (B) Table
(C) Attributes (D) Switchboards
Ans: C
Q.49 In a relation
(A) Ordering of rows is immaterial
(B) No two rows are identical
(C) (A) and (B) both are true
(D) None of these.
Ans: C
Q.50 Which of the following is correct:
(A) a SQL query automatically eliminates duplicates.
(B) SQL permits attribute names to be repeated in the same relation.
(C) a SQL query will not work if there are no indexes on the relations
(D) None of these
Ans: D

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